12/14 Discussion

12/14 Discussion
Photo by Art Litvinau / Unsplash


 Model   R^2   MAE   MSE   RMSE   Training Time (s) 
 Decision Tree                     0.89                    4.26            306,947.09                554.03                    1.10
 Random Forest                     0.76                    5.76            636,324.30                797.70                  60.40
 XGBoost                     0.57                  26.51         1,163,049.70             1,078.45                    3.39
 LightGBM                     0.67                    8.18            897,114.75                947.16                    1.64

Result with Brand(Dummy)

 Model   R^2   MAE   MSE   RMSE   Training Time (s) 
 Decision Tree                    0.76                   6.03                   646,042.75               803.77                   2.03
 Random Forest                    0.76                   5.78                   643,477.20               802.17                 68.86
 XGBoost                    0.54                 26.33                1,221,265.33            1,105.11                 13.98
 LightGBM                    0.66                   8.18                   900,920.02               949.17                   2.55

Result with Brand

Random Forest + Brand Dummy