
Photo by Timo Volz / Unsplash


Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics:
         adj_legal    adj_top10       adj_LS  adj_realacc   adj_option  \
count  4908.000000  4908.000000  4908.000000   4908.00000  4908.000000   
mean      1.924715     2.600621     1.436336     -1.33480     0.006775   
std       6.712225     2.683193    13.667105      3.93979     2.550651   
min     -25.900000    -7.700000   -55.250000    -16.80000   -15.903787   
25%      -2.100000     1.100000    -4.750000     -3.20000    -1.186245   
50%       2.100000     2.750000     0.000000      0.00000     0.000000   
75%       6.300000     4.400000     8.500000      0.00000     1.169123   
max      23.100000    10.450000    53.250000     34.40000    26.104415   

       real_acco_option1     top3_leg   LS_acc_adj  adj_leg_option  \
count        4908.000000  4908.000000  4908.000000     4908.000000   
mean            0.000709     1.561200    -0.485702        1.884668   
std             0.863499     6.294928     2.155279        1.747168   
min            -5.082772   -14.678000    -9.802452       -5.823209   
25%            -0.331985    -1.876250    -1.555347        0.718379   
50%            -0.005783     0.000000     0.000000        1.838091   
75%             0.267259     3.300500     0.558619        2.779059   
max            11.144288    27.473000     5.158715        7.466293   

          adj_cpol  real_acc_option2        adj_5  magic_index         close  
count  4908.000000       4908.000000  4908.000000  4908.000000   4908.000000  
mean      2.594254          2.597678     2.711899    15.503161   9888.916259  
std       8.219869          3.551886     3.834569    28.855179   3635.305190  
min     -32.691134        -16.035603   -16.000000   -88.811456   3903.000000  
25%      -1.262247          0.000000     1.000000    -3.104789   7557.750000  
50%       3.293349          3.203702     3.000000    16.348456   8771.500000  
75%       7.338698          5.092165     5.000000    34.936547  10863.500000  
max      33.306270         15.335260    18.000000    90.957756  23378.000000  

Histograms of Variables

Pair Plot with Regression Lines

Scatter plots with Polynomial Regression

Correlation Heatmap

Pearson Correlation

Pearson Correlation Results with 'close' as the dependent variable:
             Variable  Pearson Correlation     P-value
0           adj_legal            -0.572957    0.000000
1           adj_top10            -0.082140    0.000000
2              adj_LS            -0.017679  0.215602**
3         adj_realacc             0.043538    0.002282
4          adj_option            -0.011187  0.433299**
5   real_acco_option1            -0.000943  0.947336**
6            top3_leg             0.345483    0.000000
7          LS_acc_adj             0.047982    0.000772
8      adj_leg_option             0.302312    0.000000
9            adj_cpol             0.198018    0.000000
10   real_acc_option2             0.306798    0.000000
11              adj_5            -0.124106    0.000000
12        magic_index             0.032741    0.021805